SERVICES Special Services Value Engineering
Sarfatty Associatesā€™ goal is to create a balance between overall cost and the effective value for your project. During the schematic design and design development phases, we provide you with efficient layouts, economical materials, and value engineered building systems. New buildings are designed with ease of expansion in mind, while renovations can often reincorporate existing building elements and systems into the redesign. We will assist you in the decision process to help create the optimal balance in construction costs in order to effectively lower the lifetime operating costs of the project.
Design is a fluid process. Requests from the client for scope increases during the design phases can enlarge the project budget. In other situations, bidders may submit proposals that exceed the expected construction budget. In these situations, the Sarfatty team can review the project in detail with you and your preferred contractor to maximize value and balance cost relative to the project scope. We will work you and the contractor to identify possible areas of cost reduction and propose alternative solutions. This collaboration between client, architect, and contractor maximizes the value you receive per dollar spent.